or what I have a strong conviction Christianity is has totally changed my life.
I am the same imperfect man I was a few years ago but now I truly believe in an
all knowing, all powerful, and one that is present everywhere God. I truly believe He is the creator of all
things living or non-living. I believe He created mankind for His pleasure and
in His own image. I believe we all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of
God (Romans 3:23) but through Christ we can obtain righteousness and by the
power of the Holy Spirit we can come to know Him. I trust we have some of the
same characteristics as God. We are able to love, to care, to help one another,
and perhaps act in anger or disappointment at times, but in the end, love is
where we find Grace.
But think
for a moment, what if the phone rings? Will you answer? And will you know if is
for you? As I seat here prying for God to reveal His will for me and seek
continued guidance and revelation of His purpose in my life; I can’t cease to
wonder the lives I could affect. Could I be a stumbling block to others and
keep them from His work, the work He has laid before them. Is the call for me?
Or am I just a messenger.
I have been involved with kids and youth for a
few years now as a soccer coach and as a youth leader at our church. I have
seen how in many situations we live our lives through our children. We drive
them to accomplish the things we didn’t or feel we should have. We push and
push, we mold and tweak, a little here and a little there to make them better,
to accomplish more, but who’s more? We
plan ahead for their future, what school, what job, what passions, and
sometimes even what their styles would be. Now don’t get me wrong it is good to
guide our children, but do we guide or do we lead them. Do we mentor our
children and sharpen their strength and passions? Or in them we forge our ways,
do we come down to their level or in rare occasions up to their level? Do we
look in their eyes and see what’s inside or do we go by what they give us, in
their fear of bringing us disappointment. Although our intentions are without
malice, but do we sow our passions in them, weather willingly or unwillingly?
And if so, is that by God’s will? Or do
we become stumbling blocks for them? Just a thought.
I love my
kids and I would give my life for then. So I do know and understand how an all
loving righteous God would do the same for me. And even though I have failed my
Father tremendously in more ways that I can imagine I now I can find Grace,
Love, Peace and assurance in Him and through Christ I have obtain salvation and
righteousness with my Father in heaven, and by the Power of the Holy Spirit I
strive for sanctification.
And just
like every one of my children is a priced position for me, so are we, children
of the living God. In every child’s life lays hope, a hope for a better
tomorrow for them and for the lives they will touch. Every child is someone’s
treasure and for the ones, who are left behind and abandoned, well God has
called you and me, so will you answer? In God’s eyes we are not different, and
like with our children while in their pain, He too feels the same.
“I am my Brother’s Keeper”, Ministry came
about a Dream and Vision. A Vision of change, to set a new direction, to stake
God’s Plan and Glory in the minds of the Guatemalan Youth” is a ministry that
focuses on the growth in Christ for the Guatemalan youth. I am also convinced
this ministry to be a purpose in my life at the moment. Why Guatemala? We are commanded to love
others as ourselves and to make disciples of all Nations. We have also the
honor to be the home church of the Block family, a missionary family serving in Guatemala caring and providing for special needs orphans. Support from
our church body and every follower of Christ is imperative.
I strongly
believe in the power and the benefits of good parenting and the value of good
role models in our lives and of our children. Our Children will drive the
direction for generations to come. It is what we seed and grow in them that
will lead them in the right or even wrong paths of life. And in that same
spirit, I trust a difference could be made in the future of the Guatemalan
I strongly
believe that God always raises people up for His will and purpose, and their
life’s experiences good and bad serve their purpose in Him. Although I was
brought up in a home with both parents, most of my childhood was very much
absent of dad. Mom always tried to fill in the gaps and I always had my siblings
to love and be loved by. The school of life has done a number on me. The
absence of a strong direction or a go to person has allowed me to do most of my
growing up on my own.
Although “I
am My Brother’s Keeper” ministry continues to be a driving force in just about every
decision I make in relation to youth and how I will serve God; I find my self at a cross roads. I know kids and youth will aways be part of my life, regales of location or medium to reach them. I feel
strong in God’s plan and purpose for me, but I do know that His timing and mine are always in His control.